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A proposition is the expression of agreement and disagreement with the truth-possibilities of the elementary propositions.

The truth-possibilities of the elementary propositions are the conditions of the truth and falsehood of the propositions.

With regard to the agreement and disagreement of a proposition with the truth-possibilities of n elementary propositions there are SUMMATION(kappa=0 to Kn, binom-coeff(Kn over kappa) = Ln possibilities.

Agreement with the truth-possibilities can be expressed by co-ordinating with them in the scheme the mark "T" (true).

Absence of this mark means disagreement.

The sign which arises from the co-ordination of that mark "T" with the truth-possibilities is a propositional sign.

For n elementary propositions there are Ln possible groups of truth-conditions.

The groups of truth-conditions which belong to the truth-possibilities of a number of elementary propositions can be ordered in a series.

Among the possible groups of truth-conditions there are two extreme cases.

In the one case the proposition is true for all the truth-possibilities of the elementary propositions. We say that the truth-conditions are tautological.

In the second case the proposition is false for all the truth-possibilities. The truth-conditions are self-contradictory.

In the first case we call the proposition a tautology, in the second case a contradiction.

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