HOME TOP UP PREV NEXT 1 2 3 4 GERMAN MAP      Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 6.23

If two expressions are connected by the sign of equality, this means that they can be substituted for one another. But whether this is the case must show itself in the two expressions themselves.

It characterizes the logical form of two expressions, that they can be substituted for one another.

It is a property of affirmation that it can be conceived as double denial.

It is a property of "1+1+1=1" that it can be conceived as "(1+1)+(1+1)".

Frege says that these expressions have the same meaning but different senses.

But what is essential about equation is that it is not necessary in order to show that both expressions, which are connected by the sign of equality, have the same meaning: for this can be perceived from the two expressions themselves.

To the question whether we need intuition for the solution of mathematical problems it must be answered that language itself here supplies the necessary intuition.

Mathematics is a method of logic.

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