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The truth-functions can be ordered in series.

That is the foundation of the theory of probability.

If the truth-grounds which are common to a number of propositions are all also truth-grounds of some one proposition, we say that the truth of this proposition follows from the truth of those propositions.

In particular the truth of a proposition p follows from that of a proposition q, if all the truth-grounds of the second are truth-grounds of the first.

That the truth of one proposition follows from the truth of other propositions, we perceive from the structure of the propositions.

If a proposition follows from another, then the latter says more than the former, the former less than the latter.

If Tr is the number of the truth-grounds of the proposition "r", Trs the number of those truth-grounds of the proposition "s" which are at the same time truth-grounds of "r", then we call the ratio Trs : Tr the measure of the probability which the proposition "r" gives to the proposition "s".

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